It to attending a concert with friends. Back to index Meta: a g Meta, Zuckerberg made no secret of having high expectations. He said the Metaverse will take people "beyond the constraints of the screen, beyond the limitations of distance and physics, into a future where everyone can be constantly there for each other." Is he right? If there's one thing the Internet has taught us, it's that the consequences of technology on humans are unpredictable. What seems certain for now is that the Metaverse will have a big impact on digital marketing. For the rest it is better not to rush too much.
The idea of the Metaverse as a parallel mobile number list universe, harmoniously and "surgically" integrated into the daily life of an increasingly smart humanity is perhaps a little romantic, and it satisfies the desire of many insiders who have in mind a copy-paste , the transferring the range of opportunities offered by the real world into the virtual space. It is still too early to imagine a scenario of this type, a single and homogeneous Metaverse, an emanation of the world in digital format. At the moment, several Metaverses are being planned linked to a game, a social media platform, a company.
Environments that are still too "closed" to be integrated into a common space, albeit virtual. Zuckerberg's project, one of the first big names in the sector to speak openly about Metaverse, for example, is limited for now to Meta home services. One thing is certain: albeit in a still fragmented version, the Metaverse will have a revolutionary impact on the market and, consequently, on digital marketing. "The world has changed, and so have we. The web today means sharing, interaction, opportunities. A new economy is upon us and companies must take note of it by rethinking strategies, customer approach and communication." Daniel-round2-290-1 Daniel Casarin Growth marketing and sales expert Back to index Marketing.