Depending on several factors your salary may be higher or lower. Thus we can establish that the salary of these professionals ranges between and gross per year. This supposes a monthly salary of between and gross per month approximately. As you can see it is a good salary even the entry level in the profile taking into account that from the beginning you do not have the experience required by many companies and you will only assume the profile of a junior consultant.
In this context as we will see in the next section this range is so disith mobile number list Uniparate due to the various factors that can influence it. Fundamentally it is about three experience training and type location and size of the company in which you work. On the other hand we will also delve into how languages or working as a freelancer can influence the salary of a SAP FI consultant. Master SAP FI TR financial and treasury Factors that include in the salary of a SAP FI consultant There are different factors that influence the salary of a SAP FI consultant. Some of the most important are the following Experience.
Experience is a fundamental factor to work as a SAP FI consultant and access the best salary conditions Training. In the same way as experience training is essential to be able to handle not only the tool but all the concepts associated with it. Company. On the other hand the type of company multinational small or medium sized company also influences the salary of a SAP FI consultant. In this case we find foreign companies that tend to value and remunerate technological profiles like this better. This leads us to another factor that can improve your salary conditions as a SAP FI consultant.